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CRAIOVA (Romania) Teatro Nazionale "Marin Sorescu" dall'1 al 10 Settembre 2015
Bacantele de Euripide, workshop susţinut de regizorul italian Daniele Salvo în perioada 1-10 septembrie 2015 la Teatrul Naţional "Marin Sorescu" din Craiova
TESTI: da “Le Baccanti” di Euripide
Workshop themed The Bacchae, performed at the institution’s headquarters, by Italian director Daniele Salvo. He has worked with the renowned Italian director Luca Ronconi for 15 years and staged theatre plays in Romania as well. For the ”Julius Caesar” show, Daniele Salvo was awarded the Vilarosa Award in 2007, and was a laureate of the Persefone Award for theatre and television.
Recitazione e training: Daniele Salvo
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